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Using the Dock as a Launcher

There are many utilities available for launching programs viai keystrokes, but it is easy to configure the Dock to serve as a keyboard-driven program launcher.

It's all about muscle memory

The key to a successful program launcher is that the shortcut be rapid and consistant. You need to be able to type the same thing every time without thinking, and it can't be too long. After using the launcher for a few days, your muscles take over and it becaomes a thoughtless, almost-instantaneous process. To use the Dock as a program launcher, there are two steps:
  1. Make the Dock acessible via a keystroke
  2. Make the programs in the Dock accessible via keystrokes

A Keystroke for the Dock

In the system preferences, under "keyboard", you can set up any key combination you want to activate the Dock. We recommend cmd-shift-space.

Keystrokes for the Programs

Once the Dock is visible, typing a letter will take you to the first program that starts with that letter. The Finder has to be first, followed by any other programs that start with "F". Then put your commonly-used programs, in alphabetical order. The last program has to be the Trash, so put all "T" programs at the end of the alphabet. Within any given letter, put your most commonly used programs first. For example, under "T" we have:

Using Your Shortcuts

So I want to launch Adobe Photoshop? cmd-shift-space/a return and it's done. Adobe Illustrator? cmd-shift-space/a down-arrow return and it's launched. Fast, free and (dare we say) slick.

Aesthetic Considerations

We recommend keeping your dock small, with the magnification turned off. The best place is the upper left corner of the screen, where you're less likely to activate it by accident.

Link here for putting dock off-center

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